Take note of the calendar below, the parade is Sunday, May 1, 2011! Yes it's late, it's usually in April...even Trinidad Carnival 2011 is running late, being in March instead of February...all tied to the Lenten season, Ash Wednesday through Easter Sunday.
From their Facebook message:
As the season warms up and the parties get wild the Bacchanal Jamaica soca season opens with the launch fete at Mas Camp January 7, 2011.
Get those soca bodies ready to start the party with DJ Smoke of Renaissance and The Party Animal Kurt Riley as we ring in the New Year Bacchanal style 'Once Upon a Dynasty'.
The website is up with costumes coming soon. More info to come!
Have a safe and Happy Christmas - see you soon in 2011
Carnival season is kicking off for all the countries that have their carnivals in the spring! Get READY!
JAMAICA CARNIVAL 2011 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FROM Bacchanal Jamaica (click on pic for large version):
Pictures from around the Web (and the Bacchanal Jamaica photos page) of previous Jamaica Carnivals:
Review from TriniJungleJuice of the fete from which the last picture was taken.
Hopefully more people from the Caribbean countries and further abroad make the trip to check it out and enjoy! I hope to play mas in Jamaica possibly for 2012, God willing!
While Trinidad's two-day parade is held every year the Monday and Tuesday before Ash Wednesday, Jamaica's parade is held every year the Sunday after Easter Sunday.
From CaribbeanChoice:
This brainchild of Byron Lee started as a very small affair in 1990 amidst negative critics and a host of failure prediction from the naysayers. Persistence, commitment and the desire to share the fun and bacchanal scene, and his experience of Trinidad carnival allowed, Lee
set out to create something similar for the Jamaicans. The dream became a reality and today it has become a tremendous success as one of the largest annual event on the Jamaican calendar. Though many had tried their hands in times past at promoting a Carnival in Jamaica no one succeeded. Out of a dream that was natured over the years, came this pageantry that has become Jamaican Carnival.
The first staged parade was held in April of 1990 and had approximately 1400 masqueraders by 1998 that number grew to over 1.2 million.
In 1993 Eddie Chai introduced steelpan and to date has not received the acceptance of the general public. With the assistance of the Trinidadian Jouvert Band Mudder International, another aspect of Trinidad Carnival was introduced, Ole Mass but this faded with the introduction of J'Ouvert. The growth being as phenomenal as it was, caused even the naysayers to stand up and take notice, thus forcing the organizers to form a National Committee in 1996 to oversee the staging of the annual Carnival. .
Over the short period that Jamaica has celebrated Carnival, it has gone through many changes, creating a positive force that brings Jamaicans together. It is becoming very local with the emergence of the local designers and Mass Camps. Carnival has done the same for the Jamaican population as it has done in all other countries, united the population, created jobs and is also increasing the Tourism industry.
The reigns of leadership was handed over to one Russell Hadeed who took the baton and smoothly sailed the Carnival to its 10th anniversary. This also saw the return of the man who started it all, Byron Lee, who assisted with the organizing of the anniversary events. Under this new management, Jamaica Carnival is being taken into a new era creating a bigger and more spectacular event. These phenomena that is Jamaica Carnival evolved from a dream of one man and has enveloped the minds of many to become the reality that it is.
TriniJungleJuice again! MAD!
I want to go to Jamaica SO bad! One day I'll be there! This looks off the chain!
Thanks Kellz! Definitely make plans and head there...look for tickets now it's not too late... or plan for next year! :) We also have SERIOUS parties going on in the summer, especially around the first week of August as we celebrate emancipation from slavery and independence from the last colonizer, England!
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