More straight albums of just pics (lots more pics) and videos coming but just to get some news and views out for now!
Blog and youtube coming with the rest of the HUNDREDS of pics and videos!
But summary of the major things:


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I can't talk about this without talking about my first encounter with a RHYTHM SECTION! This guy was on the most GINORMOUS drum I've ever seen in my life...not sitting by it sitting ON it, and banging out the rhythms like his SOUL depended on it! The beats and melodies are hypnotizing...and something about those drums brings the ANIMAL out of you! I thought I loved pan but I think I ADORE this! AND D'Krewe had Siparia Rhythm Section on the road!

BEFORE the water:
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AFTER the big water hose wet up EVERYTHING in sight!

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(most of these are still on my waterproof camera...have to wait to get those developed)
The men on stilts were wicked, but the WOMEN on stilts RUNNING, WINING, and strutting around like they run things...were wickeder!
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^^^we know where I was half the time right??? lmao! SOOOO hot just leaned up there!
Oh yeah the man cute too! lol He saw me give the bikes side eyes twice and told me to come sit on one and take a pic, I know I want to!
I said ahmmmmm YOU'RE RIGHT.
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^^thought that was my first time having it then realized my favourite bartender at Insomnia gave me that with Johnny Walker Black and I just didn't know wth LLB was at the time! Nice!
1. Forgetting my 16 gig SD card.

2. Nasty heat rash and apparent allergy to the sunblock...standing for hours waiting to cross the Savannah Monday is a hot sticky drippy affair = bad for my skin. Learned to walk up and down and take pics and vids after that, not wait...
3. No sunblock tuesday turned everything to a nasty sunburn...I'm peeling now
4. Jammed big toe against one of the carnival crew females' sneaker (the HARD part at the bottom, not the sneaker part) and it still swell/burn/pained up...probly going to lose that nail...and it wasn't even during parade, it was during Insomnia...and no the crowd in general did not step on my foot whole night, I just shoulda been partying out in the crowd whole night it was safer, clearly!
5. Trinis fry so much stuff...saheena was the spiciest thing I tasted and that was just hot enough to clear my sinuses after a couple of them lol. But the food overall is good...Arab food in San Fernando's mall was WICKED I think I inhaled that!
But that's it. I lasted all day Monday from jouvert straight through to Monday on the road, sitting down for only about 5 minutes to cut-and-swallow a sandwich for lunch...all day tuesday from about 10am through Las' Lap, ate lunch at a more relaxed pace in the cooldown bus provided by D'krewe...
YES I crossed the stage...
TWICE! ha! Wined on stage, on stage manager, on cameraman...
The soca song phrase that describes me for Trinidad Carnival 2011 must be "tall ting, short ting, I wining up on all ting!" AND "go gyal go gyal go gyal GO!"
Several man tell mi seh di wine illegal lol or as that one said coming out of Insomnia (I kept tiefing more wines instead of just walking straight out) "yuh waistline RELL LOOSE gyul wayyyyy!"