Tuesday Mas - WICKEDDDDD my costume from headpiece to the peel and stick glitter eye makeup to the costume to the boots looked very amazing. It was quite gratifying to have masqueraders as well as strangers and professional photographers asking me what band it was and telling me how nice I looked...proving once and for all it doesn't have to be TRIBE, Bliss, Harts, YUMA, or Islandpeople for it to be an excellent costume! I was happy to tell them my band is D'KREWE. :)
Not so amazing...the delays and delays with picking up the special order part of the costume (monokini, and a frontline headpiece for a backline order)...seems no matter what i end up collecting in full on Sunday so I will just stop scheduling Saturday as my pickup day if D'Krewe is my band and make up my mind that Sunday is the day for costumes and j'ouvert...also not so amazing...camera stolen in transit...and allllll my tuesday mas pics are on it. smh. I have pics on other people camera i am sure but as i was also photographer for my band and had really nice pics of not just me but the whole band AND VIDEO of us on the road and crossing savannah stage (i got to remain on stage for every section to tape/shoot them)...it's a serious problem. Hoping offering some money will get me at least the memory card back and the a-hole who took it can have the camera. smh. *UPDATE camera and memory card in it recovered! Hence the posts! Yay!*
Overall this was a great season for the Groovy, most of the artists were good with Kerwin being one of the standouts...
You could have counted the good power tunes on 5 of your fingersnext year we doing it again![/B][/QUOTE]
And...costumes were wicked this year, even ones not expected to look that great came out HAWT...except YUMA's goldeneye...errr glad I actually let that section miss me it looked very forgettable on the road. Bejewelled Blitz didn't look very blinged out either... (I tend to either want to play with D'Krewe or YUMA and was going to be in Goldeneye ONLY cause I didn't see beautiful Luxor backline til after the fact!)
Seems many bands had costume drama (bliss complaints bout sizes, yuma complaints bout various tings, my band - d'krewe - was HELLA late with the costumes and messed up my schedule for when to be done with that so I could be uploading pics and liming and other things!...I mean 2 and 3 times coming back to sort it out, and heard a certain large band's shipments of brassieres/etc had issues and they had a last minute re-order that was killing availability of things and hands for other bands.)
Seems many bands had FOOD drama. Last year no issues with food, this year people in YUMA actually didn't get fed, and people in my band got fed, but some had to wait on round 2 of food to come to the truck...wth was going on with food this year?
And they were rationing too last year i came late and still got breakfast in between on the road... this year they cutting off the food band as you get your lunch...that's it for you.
Costumes hot, groovy vibes rocked the place, and for the first time everywhere I went i was stopped to take pictures with people, dem friend, dem child, dem man (yes a girl asked me to take a pic with HIM that was...weird! lol)...and even people in TRIBE, Bliss and Harts costumes were asking me what band my costume was from and saying how nice it was...costume must have really been two and three times hotter than I thought it was cause people acted like it was an individual or something, last year i dont' think anyone went out of their way to take pics, this year is like a spotlight wherever i was walking...the headpiece kept bringing that same effect in the airport too! And the BOOTS big up
Niecy's Custom Designs boots sell OOFFFFFFF.
courtesy Pernella Rajcoomar |
Learned this year that leaving first thing wednesday morning especially as someone who has business to sort out as part of her carnival responsibilities is a HORRIBLE idea...if i had only had downtime before takeoff to get the pictures off my camera and blogged or at least on Picasa I would not be having the mini-nightmare I'm having now...plus, i actually made friends that i kept in touch with all year, male and female, and did not get to link with them unless i ran into them by accident...not cool...if i had stayed wednesday i would have been able to put in some face time and ensure the picture thing sort out... coming friday not so bad but can't leave on a wednesday again i need a down day to handle the blog and safeguard the pictures an ting...smh.
But i did learn carnival can still be wicked even if it's a groovy year and not a year of lots of power soca...
And i didn't even cover every experience...imagine if i had been there longer? lol
For the rest of pictures see the
Eloquence, Inc. Tuesday Mas Facebook album!
Videos are slowwwwwly creeping up behind the pictures, stay tuned to
http://www.youtube.com/eloquenceinc they are coming I promise!
For the videos click