
Friday, March 15, 2013

So How Was Trinidad Carnival 2013? Ready For 2014?

So it's been a month since Trinidad Carnival 2013 and I know those of us who went should have recovered from the adrenaline rush and euphoria and maybe even a dose of that carnival tabanca (that dreadful rather depressing feeling of MISSING it all so much) now that some time has passed.

For the newbies, what was your first impression of Trinidad?  The fetes?  The j'ouvert? The MAS?

For the experienced mas players, what was better about this year than the last?  What was worse?  

For both, what's a MUST SEE or MUST DO for next year?

I got hospitalized right near the new year and that caused some issues that ended in a domino effect and resulted in no mas for me for 2013.  But 2014...let the planning begin!

It has, in fact, already begun.  Check out the new and improved options for carnival planning, both regular 100% customized:

and more standardized packages that still give you your choice (as long as it's available!) of what mas band and what fetes you want, and some, but not total, flexibility on housing options and dates to travel:

There are early bird, regular, and late (last lap) options, so don't delay, but make sure to get in touch first with any questions!  There are links in each event to send inquiries.

Band themes for 2014 are already being released and band launch dates soon to follow so don't get too comfortable and think you have a year to go just because carnival is late next year (Trinidad Carnival 2014 dates: March 3 & 4, 2014)!

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