
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trinidad Carnival 2012: Band Launch & Costume Specials Updates!

I'm BACK! Yes, I had to take an almost forced mini-vacation from the blog for...ergonomic :(...reasons (this plus my day jobs daily keystroking demands was killing my wrists!).  But I now have a lovely wrist brace keeping my hand and trigger finger safe and am ready to catch you up on all the mas NEWS!  And the news is PLENTY!  Stay tuned for more and get in touch with me ASAP if you need me to make the stress and mystery of being a part of Trinidad Carnival 2012 disappear!  The longer you wait to get started on planning, the less options you have as far as airfare, housing, and yes, costumes!  Let's DO THIS!

1. YUMA Vibe is completely sold out for their 2012 theme PRESS PLAY!  If you didn't get committee registered, weren't a past masquerader who could walk into the mas camp, and didn't have a fast trigger finger and internet connection for online registration...ouch!  Best bet if you simply cannot enjoy yourself in one of the many other mas bands for 2012 is to wait on resales from individual masqueraders and beware price gouging and the band's requirements to release costumes to other than the registered masquerader!

2. Ronnie and Caro launched their 2012 theme THE MASK OF... August 18 and already have some sections sold out!  Check out launch pictures from Trevor Carey Peters Watson and of course their facebook!

3. Islandpeople re-launched their 2012 theme SUPERHEROES after a multitude of disastrous reviews from their first launch and now have registration ongoing, along with specials that end tomorrow, September 15!

4.  NEW band for 2012 Explosion Carnival launched September 4!  Pictures on their facebook!

5. Harts Carnival has registration ongoing for their 2012 theme WRATH OF THE GODS and is selling out of sections fast...don't sleep on it!  

6.  D'Krewe Carnival has launched mas camp and online registration and already sold out of Warrior!  They had to reopen the section!  Check out all the other options for their 2012 theme PANACHE on the link above to costume launches, and on their website as well as the facebook page!  They are also offering a special on the section Elegante until September 30th, don't miss out because this section is almost gone as well!  D'Krewe welcomes old and new masqueraders and is promising no registration politics, just MAS! :)

D'krewe, theme PANACHE, section ELEGANTE FRONTLINE

D'krewe, theme PANACHE, section ELEGANTE backline & male

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