
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Trinidad Carnival 2012: Group Flight From Miami Friday Feb16 - Wednesday Feb23, Deposit ASAP to Reserve Your Spot!

Call me 404 590 1882 for more information, or email me

    1   1819N 16FEB  MIAPOS   650P 1125P 
    2   1818N 23FEB  POSMIA   720A 1030A

This leaves carnival Thursday 6:50 pm arriving 11:25pm, and returns the following Thursday 7:20am arriving 10:30am.

The benefit of this is locking in your flight price out of here because the domestic connection from where you are can always be bought on sale later from the various places everyone will be coming from, but the TRINIDAD leg of the trip gets SERIOUSLY expensive and the prices have already started climbing because the 2012 band launches have started and people are buying tickets.  The other benefit of course is not having to come up with the entire flight amount right away, this is the layaway plan, which is much more affordable for most of us.

If you live in another state, you or I can buy the connecting flight to Miami later, whenever you or I see a fare special from your point of origin to Miami.

Payments taken via PayPal to, or the Eloquence, Inc. Facebook store -- absolutely no e-cheques, if payments don't clear by the time I have to submit the money, it can cause problems!

Call or email me ASAP!  If you need your entire trip trip planned out for you, see my services at this link or purchase direct from the Facebook store link above.

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