
Saturday, January 22, 2011

Womanish--Roam Mas Now Doing Trinidad Carnival 2011 Costume Registration on Facebook! All Costumes Less Than $500USD!

Remember Roam Mas? I blogged about them HERE. Well the Roam Mas website is now up!

BUT you don't even have to go that far to buy your costume:

Now THAT'S what I'm talking networking at it's finest!

And the prices are now listed in USD too so no running over to OAnda to figure your currency exchange out!

But Roam Mas didn't stop there...when you click on a costume section to add to cart, you get a DISCOUNT off the already very affordable price, for buying online through Facebook...and there's a spot for reviews on the costume as well.

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I actually saw this app before and thought it was an EXCELLENT idea for all the mas bands, and for anyone running a business who advertises anywhere on Facebook!  Had suggested it to YUMA in the past, and will now be setting up a storefront for myself to be able to take payments in the future (whether for a costume sale, a used book, or my tax and career/education planning services...etc.!).  I just tried to set mine up and should note that 1. you need a PayPal account (also free) and 2. it is best you establish a Facebook Page for your business then add the storefront, because it will ask you once you sign up if you would like to connect the store to an existing page, and one thing I have learned with online applications, when it asks you about taking an action, that is the easiest and best time to do it!

It's hard to know all the options available when it comes to Trinidad, because so many businesses still run without making full and efficient use of the Internet and the power of social networking, but that is why we have blogs, to collect the info in one place so those who come after don't have to seek and search like we the bloggers did! :) Enjoy!  I definitely hope they keep this trend going strong for 2012!

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