
Friday, December 10, 2010

Trinidad Carnival 2011 Itinerary Part 3: more Q&A and outsider reviews!

Originally Posted by saucytrini 

yuh si YUH...why is that funny? i can't do the all inclusive money money money ting the whole time...and if i go to dance i can carry likkle "patty" (whatever your equivalent is) money and drinks money in my brassiere and maybe my camera if i can secure it to me out of sight based on what i'm wearing!

so talk up...i heard dem have some out deh!

A.great choice..but yuh does have to carry a bottle eh...dey usually tell yuh what is what..check TFT for de list..dey does post it up...
ok glad my instincts were on point with that one...but it said INCLUSIVE in the name of it so shouldn't mean DRINKS...and then ALL inclusive means food AND drinks?

what's included if i have to walk with bottle? and with a name like SOS dutch is it a BOAT fete?

tft is where i decided my schedule off of...i arrive wednesday night, plan to drop bags shower and get right into making my plane fare COUNT lol

B. personally I think is a waste oh money
Tell me why, cause i heard about it and figured it's a girl power type deal...what did you like and not like with Ignite? and just how expensive is it? this is the night a free/cheap/street fete could gwaan to enuh...just not staying home that night cause i am a homebody most of the year, when i vacation i VACATION...
C. ah ok den...but yuh will get to see de artist and dem.....just doh go close to de front of de stage......
but front of the stage is exactly where i'm trying to reach, i'm sort of half blind enuh lol. What happens at stage front? Plus i gotta take pics for self and blog! You said "ah ok" like it's boring...I'm a newbie i need to get the culture stuff in, i don't have family there to lime with or whatever you who skip it go do...and i discovered from Miami carnival and Atlanta's Panyard back in the day that I get a little hypnotized by the steel i literally froze in front of a truck in Miami just WATCHING them play...and smiling for no reason! Had that same reaction at panyard and my friend was like you alright? lol

so i have to see and hear some pan...a lot of it...not sure why i like it...just do.

D. ah hear it so so
oh no...i thought cooler fetes were fun! ok then, switching this out to girl power! pfft! [EDIT: Here is another take on Cooler Fete versus Girl Power... looks like Girl Power it DEFINITELY is!]
E. must do fete for a first timer ... reach early before 12midnight, get yuh pan results in dey....
lol the name alone says hype! um what happens if i don't reach before midnight? although i will need to anyway cause the next day is soooo busy...
F. sunny side up is all inclusive where as Dawn isn't....but Dawn is a boss lime..... Dimanche Gras is a great decision....if my memory serves me correct it starts at 7pm.. Dawn is cheaper...and from how you talking, better...and it's in POS so it should be easy to get to...okay Dawn it is...that frees me up for another all inclusive if i decide to suck it up and check out Salybia...

WAIT which breakfast fete has a wet fete part too? that's the most important thing!

and yeah dimanche gras is a must...want to hear the calypsos and must see the amazing kings and queens CREATIONS for myself...and get STELLAR pics for my blog

G. but yuh playing champion..yuh best leave Insomnia around 5am to reach Sunny Side eh....
lol that's why sunday night is about sleep... but yeah i figure 4 or 5ish is good time...over 4 hours in a party i must can do all i set out to do inside there *insert evil grin here*
H. ...ok then...right okkkkk....
what's the problem? i wanted to play with them last year, didn't go...saw the costume i had wanted from the 2k10 pics...looked EXACTLY how the prototype looked, looked AMAZING on the road, and everybody in it was having way more fun than me! lol And they been super friendly to me back then, and now...quick response times too, noooo complaints so far on their customer service even before i gave them any do tell why you sound like that?
as for Monday Night's cool...a lil bit like j'ouvert at night...but pretty mas..
heheh *claps hands together and rubs with glee* i want a j'ouvert vibes yes...but cleaner! cause i getting all my 'get dirty' wishes out of the way with the actual J'ouvert!
I. either go very early and leave very early...or go Thursday..u will not enjoy it going to be over crowded

lol i need pics and to catch the vibes of the ting...i am sure after being on my feet overlong mon & tues i won't leave out til after noon on wednesday...when you say overcrowded do you mean lots of crime and fighting crowded or just no place to lay a beach towel crowded?

keep in mind i intend to hit up another type beach i have seen for the "isolated relaxation" type vibes, so i don't need it out of maracas...i need to know if MUSIC playing, LOUD TOO, at maracas on wednesday! What do they do besides in bathsuit trying to look cute? Food vendors out deh?

J. go Bird Sanctuary ...but that tour is in de evening like around 5pm/6pm..not before
Thanks for the heads up on the right time to go to the sanctuary...that is the type of thing i am going to work out later based on distance from where i am staying and from each other: which one to go first, and on which day.

But girl I already researched a TON of tourist things to check out...just a matter of narrowing it down to which ones I can fit into my time and budget!

Check out my [tourism in Trinidad] blog from back in SEPTEMBER!


A. Save our Soca: Dutch party meaning yuh going 'dutch' bring ah the end of de day dat party is really ah all inclusive of sorts...not no setta big fancy food, but top of the line drinks and doubles, gyro station, corn soup, bake and shark, ah think it had bbq chicken, fry rice and some other assorted stuff this year...and ah wild meat section which done first....and dem know how to throw ah party...and de price reasonable.....

[below is an ad from 2010 carnival:]

B. stush...stand up and watch everybody else...and it is pricey...I think last year dem was asking TTD$500...ah think.....

C. for yuh own safety unless yuh have a blessed MEDIA pass doh go by de front of de stage....or if yuh do be carefully and watch yuh surroundings....nuff said

Panorama is recommended..get dere on time...or even a lil before and you can walk around on the outside and hear dem tune up/rehearse..and tek pics too...

D. first eh know who fete calendar yuh watch...surely not de same one I see....Glow doh happen any more...and dat i know for a FACT! for cooler better ones does be early in de Blue Range one does be ok...but is more for de 'people who wah think dey in a cooler fete, but wid dey own kinda people' yuh get de drift or do I have to read and spell....

E. as everybody on imix and elsewhere know..Insomnia is madness....from 10pm to 10am......and is also mad traffic one road in and one road out and 2 fete happening in same area....(de odder one is a stush uppity people ting--dey does end up in insomnia)...anytime arrival after midnight ensures yuh arse is stuck in traffic entering....anytime exit after dat 'boy' HD band done on stage yuh arse is stuck in traffic...

me never say Sunny wasnt is

F. yuh does get wet in Insomnia (if yuh doh wah get wet hide behind ah electronic device - aka big speakers)........lately Dawn start wetting people who wah get wet...

G. Is sleep she just say on Carnival Sunday - 
lemme break it down for yuh gyal....
Insomnia - yuh leaving bout 6am
Sunny Side or Dawn - yuh leaving at about 10am or midday
Dimanche Gras - eh finishing till bout midnight....(if yuh lucky)

J'ouvert starts at 4am

yuh sleeping when????

H. I leaving dis one alone...some body else wanna answer???????????????

I. a bit of both

cause of indecent, rowdy behaviour, violent in some cases in recent years, the music and annual parties have been stopped and police have been enforcing this..........they may turn a blind eye to a lil radio kinda vibes, but no more stage and big speakers etc.....

sure ting cause this is good going to my blog...but so you know, Afro Chic was saved from I think a Spice disaster by D'Krewe and their Kindred Spirits this year, and she posted a was great...and she a unless you ready to tell me WHY you scorn d' far my gut say they going to be a down to earth cool group to jump wid, friendly, and my costume going to look like multicolour FIRE on the road. 

Dawn winning out twice then cause you say it gets wet too. If it ending when sun hot I WILL NEED THAT.

Sleep can come between Dawn and Dimanche Gras sunday and midnight to 3 monday morning. lol

But yikes didn't realize Dimanche Gras went til midnight...

sigh. I really need to work on cardio for stamina...just to last through all this. My body only take caffeine jolts for so long then it kick it like karate...

My updated Trinidad Carnival 2011 party/tourism itinerary coming in Part 4!

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