
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Can't say YUMA didn't WARN you: avoid online registration madness if you can!

From YUMA:
online registration soon come. However, If you are in Trinidad, we strongly recommend you register at the camp as online registration will have global competition for costumes...

I will add if you have a friend, family member, old college classmate, anyone, that can walk in the camp for you and is reliable, get them in there!  There is a MONEYGRAM right outside the mas camp, however I am not clear if it's located inside a bank or not, so you might want to stick with Western Union to Port-of-Spain if wiring for a same-day pickup and registration on the weekend.

Another option my oh-so-smart aunty suggested is to FedEx the money (and of course all YUMA's required registration information--typed, not in your own potentially crazy handwriting!) straight into the mas camp, preferably to a contact you spoke with who was told to expect it and who would be working at mas camp OPENING time the day it is due!   If I had thought of this nifty option earlier, I could have saved all the acrobatics of the week getting my crew registered and just told them to send me all their monies, typed up all their info, and sent the whole thing one time and done!

If you are registering more than one person for what's available in mas camp, I suggest that option.  And I suggest a column on the far right of your sheet with everyone's info that shows the required deposit for each person's choice (use currency converter and round up to the nearest $1 or $5), then total that, and buy one cashier's cheque for the total of everybody's money.  That or include all the separate payments with the name of the person it's for written on the payment so there is no confusion about the money.

Of course, call YUMA and make sure how they want things done, these are just suggestions.

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